Media Content Analysis
Model the behavior of your company in the market and in society based on the detailed recommendations of media analysts and reputation experts.

Proactivity in the information field is one of the most important conditions for leadership and the reputational sustainability of a business. To ensure it, two things are necessary: system monitoring of the media 24/7 and expert analysis of media content.
For this, as a rule, companies create analytical departments, which is very costly. There is a more efficient way - to order content analysis services from a specialized contractor.
The 1st Reputation Agency offers you a systematic analysis of public content about your business niche from such sources:
- central, regional and sectoral media
- news feeds of information agencies
- social networks, in particular UGC content
- blogs and expert author columns
- themed web portals
- web resources of competitors
Having ordered the services of media content analysis from us, you will receive:
- daily fresh digests about your business niche
- summary of the most relevant publications and news
- predictions of reputational risks and opportunities
- peer reviews of industry news and opinions
- information behavior guidelines
- negative content tactics
- algorithms for advancing competitors in the media
To order a content analysis, click on the "Order a service" button on this page.