Reputation Audit

Find out how your business is perceived in the market, in society and within the company, in order to timely and effectively adjust your business reputation.

Reputation audit gives you a clear understanding of how well the company is known, what trust the target audiences have in it, what positive and negative aspects of your business are seen from the side, whether your employees spoil the business reputation that are dissatisfied withsomething in the company’s work.

As a rule, companies decide to order a reputation audit in special cases: before selling or merging a business, during or after overcoming a crisis, before entering an international market, when searching for investors, before placing on an IPO.

We recommend conducting a reputation audit annually. This is the only way to keep abreast of business reputation in the information society.

What does our team offer? The 1st Reputation Agency professionally holds for companies:

  • comprehensive audit of the company's business reputation
  • external reputation audit
  • internal reputation audit
  • employer reputation audit
  • reputation audit of top business executives
  • reputation audit in a particular region
  • audit of business reputation in the international market
  • audit of online reputation of a company and brands

An obligatory part of our reputation audit programs are practical recommendations for the client on correcting weak areas of business reputation of the company or brand.

To order a reputation audit, click on the "Order a service" button on this page. 

Why do you need this?

The results of a reputation audit will give you understanding:

  • when, why, and how did reputation weaknesses arise
  • where are the reputational gaps that need to be addressed
  • what are the strengths in reputation and how to use them
  • how all TAs perceive your business
  • what needs to be adjusted in external communications
  • what work needs to be done with company staff
  • what to do in order to prevent identified errors

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